If we all do a little,

it helps a lot!

How we work

Our approach

We work together with hundreds of caring Kiwis and organisations. Every little contribution by these compassionate New Zealanders makes a big difference to whānau during the crucial early years of their child’s life.


Our big-hearted donors

Caring Kiwis and organisations donate pre-loved and new baby items from all around New Zealand - our heartfelt thanks for your donation.


Our amazing volunteers

We receive no Government funding, so we rely on our network of dedicated volunteers, who generously give their valuable time and skills to help little ones in need.


Our generous supporters

Our supporters donate baby goods, services and help to spread the word about what we do. We’re immensely grateful for their ongoing support and generosity.


Our agency partners

We receive requests for baby essentials from our partner agencies to support whānau in need. We aim to meet their needs as quickly as possible, usually within a few days.


Whānau in need

Our partner agencies deliver Littlemore goods to whānau, ensuring they have the essentials they need to give their newborn baby a better start in life.

From one whānau to another...

A little love and care goes a long way

We’re a little charity that aims to make a big difference by working in partnership with agencies that support whānau across the Tāmaki Makaurau region. High quality baby essentials are repurposed and distributed through social service agencies who have the expertise to identify whānau with the greatest needs.

These families are often dealing with huge challenges as they navigate parenthood and welcome a new baby into their home. Our service helps to ensure their babies can have a little more warmth, comfort and care.