Changing little lives ...
a little more each day.
Our Goals
We’re aiming big
Since we started in 2013, we’ve already made a big difference in the lives of the tamariki we help. With your support, we can do so much more to achieve our goals:
A city of sharing & caring
Tāmaki Makaurau, is a city where whānau share their resources and care for those who need help the most.
All babies safe and warm
Whānau affected by hardship in Tāmaki Makaurau, have what they need to nurture their babies and keep them safe and warm.
A healthier future for all
By recycling, up-cycling, and re-purposing textile and plastic, waste is minimised, contributing to a healthier environment and a greener future for Aotearoa.
Your donation, big or small, helps us change little lives for the better.
In just one year, you've helped us achieve a lot!
Our community of donors, supporters and volunteers have helped us to achieve so much across the Auckland region. Last year alone, we did all this…
Babies supported last year
Value of essential baby items donated
Essential items re-purposed
Community service hours donated by 103 volunteers from 22 ethnicities.
Active supporters helped us achieve all this.
Social workers and health professionals from 43 community partners requested help for whānau in hardship .
*Based on market value as at July 2024.